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Name: Reaper V3 RTA (EVL Vapors) – Atomizer – received by Svapodromo

Type: RTA Atomizer

Colors: Stainless Steel

Price: ~ € 125

Reaper V3 by EVL Vapors: the whole class of British style

EVL Vapors is a British manufacturing brand for high quality vaping atomizers. Most of  you will certainly remember the Reaper V2 RTA, released by the company in early 2017. Today we will deal with version 3 of this RTA, which came on the market in the last days of 2018. The Reaper V3 is an atomizer that is offered in a dual version: pure MTL (1.8 mm air hole) and restricted flavor chasing (2.7 mm air hole).

The version in our possession is the MTL version, of which we immediately see the contents of the package, the typical tin can of the English manufacturer.


1 x Reaper V3 RTA
1 x O-ring set and two spare post screws
1 x 15 Pad Muji organic cotton

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The Reaper is a 22 mm diameter RTA atomizer built entirely in 316L stainless steel, excluding the ultem tank and of course the o-rings and the peek insulator.

From the aesthetic point of view, although tastes are always subjective, the Reaper V3 is, in our opinion, really beautiful! Small and compact, with a simple and very minimal design, the Reaper V3 reveals an elegant British style from every detail. In vaping, we have always maintained it, the simplest products are often also the most appealing.

The elegant design of this atom is complemented by its high build quality. In one word, excellent. Starting from 316L stainless steel, of better quality for a lower presence of carbon than the more used 304 steel, and continuing for the absolute precision of the machining of all its parts. In short, it is a product finished in a masterly way.

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We anticipated that the Reaper V3 is a small and compact RTA; in fact the atomizer has a diameter of 22 mm, for a height of 33 mm (obviously excluding the pin 510 and the drip tip), all in just 38.5 grams of weight, for a total capacity of 2 ml. The Reaper V3 is minimal even for the parts that compose it, which are limited to the deck, the airflow control ring, the bell, the chimney and the tank in ultem.

And the drip tip? We did not miss it, we did not mention it deliberately, as the manufacturer does not supply it as standard, which in our opinion represents a flaw that perhaps should be remedied as soon as possible. While knowing well that the drip tip is a very personal and subjective object for the vaper, we believe that a manufacturer should always add a drip tip in the package, the one considered most suitable to enhance the atomizer performance.

The Reaper V3 deck is a dual opposing post (very similar to that of the Reaper V2), with a 1.8 mm air hole (as mentioned before, there is also a version with a 2.7 mm hole ). On the straight imaginary line perpendicular to the posts, there are the slots for housing the cotton, bounded by a circular ring in peek that has two small openings; the function of this ring is to regulate the e-liquid flow thanks to its rotation. This is a rather unusual solution, but it must be said that it did not seem to cause great variations in the e-liquid flow, as the atomizer always and in any case optimally feeds itself. Outside the ring in peek for the regulation of the liquid, always in correspondence of the two slots, there are two further small openings from which the e-liquid will enter to wet the cotton. The atomizer must be refilled from the bottom.

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On the outside of the deck, a small notch indicates, if aligned with the letter “V” of the engraved EVL logo, the opening position for the atom to remove it from the deck.

Before starting the examination of the vaporization chamber, we pause for a few moments on the air control ring. The ring has six holes of which the smallest is 0.8 mm and the subsequent ones have 0.2 mm increments for each. But the real peculiarity of this ring is that it does not fit on the deck with the classic o-ring system, but it simply rests on it and thanks to its internal hexagonal shape, avoids the risk of accidental rotation. It is in fact a rather unusual but not unique solution, having been adopted in the past by some other manufacturer. To conclude the discussion on the air ring, it must be said that in the absence of a sealing o-ring, once it has rested on the deck it will remain in place without sliding downwards, simply by screwing the atom onto the mod.


The Reaper V3 does not present any difficulty in positioning the coil, in placing the cotton and finally in its refill, which as we have said takes place from the bottom. The RTA is very simple to manage, obviously in relation to the vaper target for which it was designed, or rather an expert public with a some years of vape experience.


The Reaper V3 is a very high-performance atom, with only one flaw that we will talk about shortly.

First of all we have appreciated the constant and abundant feeding; secondly, we have seen that this generous feeding contributes to making the vape always very full-bodied and fat. And if we think that everything is combined with a very linear and equally silent puff, you will understand why we immediately said that it is a high performance atomizer.

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Excellent technical performance but also very valid aromatic performances, although with some exceptions related to some types of e-liquid. This aspect is rather predictable, given that an atomizer based on its technical characteristics tends to be usually used only for certain types of e-liquid.

Is it possible that there are no 360 degree performing RTA with any kind of e-liquid? Tell the truth some of you often ask… Our opinion is that even if on the market you can find different products that make ductility their strength, it should also be said that this flexibility never allows to excel in absolute.

We performed several vape tests with the Reaper V3, reaching the following final report:

  • A+ with creamy liquids;
  • A with fruity and sweet fruit mixes;
  • B+ with flavored tobaccos and sweet tobaccos;
  • D with dark tobaccos.

To synthesize, precisely due to the fact that it is an RTA that returns a dense and moist vapor, the liquids tend to be sweet, from creamy to fruity and even tobacco, to find their maximum aromatic exaltation within this tank.


Very high quality combined with a superb aesthetic sense, for a jewel with high quality aromatic performances. Reaper V3 is a high end product with an important cost, designed for experienced vapers who look for a certain specificity in the RTA atomizers; specificity that translates into allocating the object only for certain types of e-liquid. In this sense, for example, choosing the Reaper V3 for creamy recipes is equivalent to having a product that is unlikely to be abandoned over time.
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Recommended to: Hardcore vapers.

  • 6/10
    In the Box - 6/10
  • 10/10
    Design & Build Quality - 10/10
  • 8/10
    Features - 8/10
  • 9.5/10
    Coiling, WIcking and Filling - 9.5/10
  • 9.5/10
    Performances and Flavour - 9.5/10


  • 6/10
    In the Box - 6/10
  • 10/10
    Design & Build Quality - 10/10
  • 8/10
    Features - 8/10
  • 9.5/10
    Coiling, WIcking and Filling - 9.5/10
  • 9.5/10
    Performances and Flavour - 9.5/10